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About us

Our Legacy and Expertise

With a rich history spanning over 80 years, we are proud to be a 3rd generation family business. Our legacy is built upon a strong foundation of quality workmanship and unwavering dedication to our craft. Throughout the years, we have honed our expertise in various areas, including French Polishing, restoration, bespoke finishing, and fire and flood restoration.

French Polishing

French Polishing is one of our core specialties, and our skilled craftsmen are well-versed in the intricate techniques required to achieve flawless finishes. Whether it's reviving the beauty of antique furniture or enhancing the elegance of modern pieces, we take great care in preserving the authenticity and allure of each item we work on.


Restoration is another pillar of our services. Our experienced team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to breathe new life into worn-out or damaged furniture. From structural repairs to revitalising the aesthetic appeal, we approach each restoration project with meticulous attention to detail and a deep respect for the piece's history and craftsmanship.

Bespoke Finishing

Bespoke finishing is where we truly shine. We understand that every client has unique preferences and visions for their furniture. Our craftsmen collaborate closely with clients, offering expert guidance and executing custom finishes that bring their ideas to life. Whether it's a specific color, texture, or sheen, we have the expertise to create truly personalised pieces that perfectly complement any interior design.

Fire and Flood Restoration

In unfortunate situations where fire or flood damage has affected your beloved furniture, we are here to help. Our team specialises in fire and flood restoration, utilising advanced techniques and materials to meticulously repair and restore furniture damaged by these disasters. We take great care in salvaging cherished pieces and restoring them to their former glory, providing both functional and aesthetic recovery.

As a 3rd generation family business, we are deeply committed to upholding our legacy of exceptional workmanship and customer satisfaction. Our passion for furniture restoration has been passed down through the generations, and we continue to strive for excellence in every project we undertake.

If you are seeking the services of experienced craftsmen dedicated to preserving the beauty and integrity of your furniture, we invite you to contact us at your convenience. Our team is ready to assist you and provide further information on how we can meet your specific needs.

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